Friday, November 6, 2009

Matthew and the Leaves

Matt and I don't have a rake. We don't need one because our lovely monthly fee to live here includes all lawn care. Which is a definite perk.

But when you have a kid and the leaves are on the ground you kind of want a rake so you can pile them all up and throw him in it.

We were going to get a rake last weekend but it rained the whole time, and you don't really want to throw said kid into a wet pile of leaves.

On Wednesday the lawn people came around to rake up our leaves and left big piles in our backyard and then left to do another area of the development. I saw my chance and bundled Matthew up and out we want.

He was very distracted by everything he saw and kept escaping down the sidewalk


We walked down to get the mail, which is a pretty far walk for a not yet 16 month old!

When we got back he finally started to show a little interest in the leaves that we went out to play with.


Finally I picked him up and threw him in one of the piles on the ground. He was not thrilled.


Not one bit.


But he still obliged me by letting me take some good pictures!


I'm glad we didn't go buy a rake!

On our way inside he found a little friend in the garden. It's a hose guide so when we water the garden it doesn't knock our flowers out of the ground. He bent down to look at it and with complete and utter amazement said "Ooooh...what's this?"


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