Sunday, February 8, 2009

Matthew Meets Mashed Potatoes

We've had a lot of fun with Matthew lately. He's really getting to a great age where he's responding to us and playing with us. A couple weekends ago we had dinner with his godparents and he was playing the "turn your head to the side game" with Aunt Christi. We sat in amazement as he went to the left side three times, paused a second and then thinking he would trip her up, went to the right. Just such a neat thing to be witness to the development of little boy.

In other news we've been introducing Matthew to eating real people food and he loves it. Tonight I decided to put some mashed potatoes on his tray along with some carrots and such.


We also took out the puppy his cousin Jenni got him for my baby shower. I'm sure Jenni will be happy to know that it is his new favorite toy.



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