Friday, November 19, 2010

Portrait of a Birthday Party

Okay so if you thought the Halloween post was late, wait until you read this one! Yep, I'm posting pictures from his Birthday party, teehee. It was a wonderful day and I just wanted to share.

We woke up that morning and the rain that was a threat was delivering as promised. Oh boy, it was a torrential down pour. Not good for the birthday party that was being set up outside! Fortunately at noon the clouds parted and the rain stopped! About that time Sarah and Wayne, David and Jessica and Mary got there and I pretty much shut down. Through all the work and worry I was just done. They all stepped in and got the rest of it pulled together along with Christi who showed up not too long afterwards.

So the year of one is gone, along with the party and we are well in to the year of being two (and yeah, maybe thinking of next year's party), but here are the pictures anyway! Enjoy!!





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