Monday, September 6, 2010

And Time Marches On

When Matthew was five months old we realized it was time to get him a high chair.


He was so tiny you can barely see him sitting in it! He enjoyed his new view of the world and loved being able to sit with us while we ate dinner.


In April, as we were decorating rice krispie treat eggs for Easter, we took what would be the last picture of him in his highchair. He had decided soon after that big boys sit at the table and never went back.


I'm not sure why we kept it around so long after that. Part laziness, part denial. Today we decided to pack it away to make room for Santa and the (K-I-T-C-H-E-N) that he's bringing him for Christmas.

These moments are always so bittersweet. There may be another baby that uses the highchair someday, but there won't be another baby Matthew that uses it.

Here's Matthew standing with daddy before he took it out to his car to take to storage.

Bye high chair!

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