Thursday, April 1, 2010

Okay, So It's Been A While

Wow! I haven't posted at all in March! Where did that month go? It's been busy around here.

Sarah and I started our own business and actually had a pretty great month of sales! I'm so proud of us and think we are definitely going places. You can check out our shop It just takes you to our etsy shop but in time we plan to have that website up and running so you can actualy purchase from it!

In Matthew news he's been busy as well.

Ornery as ever (I think he gets that from Matt)

He is still such a joy and brings love and laughter to us everyday!

He had his first ice cream of the spring! We found a fun new ice cream shop that has cones just his size.

Matthew is also working on learning words. It's pretty fun now that he can have a conversation with us. Conversations with Matthew go like this:

Mommy: "Matthew is your belly hungry?"
Matthew, looking at his belly, "no"

Mommy: "Matthew are you a big boy?"
Matthew: "No."

Mommy: "Matthew are you going to have fun at gymnastics today?"
Matthew: "No."

See the theme here? Although he did tell me the other day, "Oh wook! Was dat I see?"

It hasn't been all fun and games though. Matthew for a couple weeks started a new trick of putting his fingers in his ears.

We weren't sure if it was just a new trick or if his ear was hurting. One day he woke up with a fever of 102.3 so I called the dr. Sure enough we had our first ear infection. Poor little guy. He actually just started his second dose of antibiotics because the first time around it didn't quite get cleared up. Here he was the day of his fever.

He's also been working on his potty skills. He never liked to sit on the potty seat so we moved the seat onto the actual toilet and now he sits on there almost every night. We have a book with a toilet flushing sound effect that he sits and reads while he practices. No pee-pees in the potty yet but he has learned to say the word penis!

He got his first big boy haircut and boy what a difference it has made! He looks so cute with his spikey hair.

St. Patrick's Day came and went and Matthew looked cute as always.

And later that night I got a glimpse into my future after I snapped a picture that I captioned "get out of my face, mother."

We went out to Pittsburgh for a weekend to go to a Penguins game. It was a lot of fun and a little bittersweet for Matt to take his son to a Penguins game when he had fond memories of going with his dad as a little boy.

Matthew had trouble staying awake during the game. He didn't sleep well the night before.

He perked up after his nap and had fun. He especially loved the Penguins' Mascot Iceburgh.

Isn't he the cutest little goalie ever?

He got in lots of good chats with his Uncle Rob too!

Last weekend Matthew got a new bike! He thinks it's so much fun!

We've also been working on trying to raise money for the March of Dimes and gearing up for our walk on April 25th. So far our team has $190! If you'd like to donate you can click the MOD banner on the right side of the blog! I also need to get rid of the hearts. Hopefully this week.

Well I think that's all from here for last month. Hopefully April will bring me some more time to update!

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