Last night after dinner we sat on the floor and played with some blocks he got for Christmas. They're probably one of his favorite toys, well toys that are actually toys. He also loves the remote, phone, camera...basically all the stuff he shouldn't be touching.
Together we were stacking blocks and making a building, and Matt told me I'd never cut it as an engineer, good thing I have no plans to be one.
Matthew was working very hard on his project. He was quite thoughtful as to where he put each block.
After we were done with one building Matthew found the perfect use for it. A seat!
However refer to the comment above regarding my engineering skills or lack thereof.
After the chair fell apart we decided to help daddy with his more structurally stable building.
Finally we decided to see how high we could make our tower before it fell down.
Clean up time!
Of course there are many lessons to be taken from building with blocks. Lessons beyond learning how to build something structurally sound so that it won't fall down. It's building family time and relatioship between a parent and a child. It's teaching him that working together we can do anything and if you put it together strong enough it will never fall down.
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